Miami Springs Cub Scouts Pack 425

A Family Scouting Pack
serving Miami Springs since 1987
welcoming boys and girls, K-5

For more info, please call 305-439-9625 or email 


Cub Scout Pack 425 is a member of the Phoenix District of the South Florida Council and is chartered through Grace Lutheran Church in Miami Springs, Florida. We welcome boys and girls from Miami Springs, Virginia Gardens, Hialeah and surrounding areas in grades K-5.  

Our pack meets Tuesdays at 7:00 PM at Loyola Elementary and Pre-School/All Angels Church (1801 Ludlam Drive, Miami Springs, FL 33166). 

Our goal is to foster the BSA mission of preparing our youth to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, not only in Pack actvities but also in everyday life.  As Lord Baden Powell, father of the  scouting movement, once said, we are building "happy, healthy, and helpful citizens."

The Cub Scouts Pack has hikes, campouts, day camp, adventure trips, STEM experiments, individual den activities, and other advancement opportunities throughout the year. 

All of our adult leaders are volunteers from the family of current cub scouts. Adult leaders receive training to coach and mentor the youth in the pack  in a fun and safe environment. 

Journey to Excellence Gold Unit Award Recipients
2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

National Summertime Pack Award Recipients
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Phoenix District Cub-O-Ree
Overall: 2022 (3rd Place)

Lincoln-Marti Camporee
Overall: 2004 (3rd Place)
Best Overall Junior Award, Cub Scouts: 2022

Fireball District Cub-O-Ree
Overall: 2016 (1st Place); 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017 (2nd Place)

Centenial Quality Unit Award Recipients
2008, 2009

Quality Unit Award Recipients
2005, 2006

Dade County Youth Fair Best Cub Scout Pack
2013, 2018
South Florida Council Scouting Youth Expo Award of Merit and Honor Recipients