Packing Checklist for Camping Trips

Cub Scout Six Essentials

Overnighter Gear

Eating Kit

Cleanup Kit


Clothing Checklist

For Warm Weather Camping

For Cold-Weather Camping:

Restricted Items

Pocket Knives.  Scouts are not allowed to possess or use pocket knives unless they have received their Whittling Chip award.  Scouts may use knives for food preparation under heavy adult supervision.

The Whittling Chip certifies that the Cub Scout has demonstrated knowledge of, and skill in, the use of a personal pocketknife.  By completing safety requirements and promising to abide by safety guidelines and the Pocketknife Pledge, the Cub Scout earns the right to carry a pocketknife to designated Cub Scout functions.

Matches, Lighters, and Other Fire Starters.  No Cub Scout should be in possession of matches or other fire starters.  These will be provided and controlled by pack leadership.

Pack Camping Gear

In addition to the individual equipment listed in Cub Scout Six Essentials and personal gear listed above, the equipment listed below should be available for group use.

General Equipment


Cooking Gear