Welcome to the Arrow of Light Den!

Arrow of Light (AOL) is 5th grade children to prepare to join a Scouts BSA troop while learning outdoors skills and participating in many adventures. A well-run group of Webelos is a gradual change from being an 'adult-run' den to being a 'scout-run' patrol ready to fit right into an adventurous Scouts BSA troop. This migration requires the parents and den leaders to give the scouts more and more control, decision-making power, and responsibility as they progress in skills, abilities, and maturity.

During their last year in a Pack, Arrow of Lights get a larger say in which adventures their den will do, and in leading their fellow scouts, both skills that will come in handy in Scouts BSA. 

At the end of their Cub-Scout endeavor the Arrow of Light should participate in a crossover ceremony wherein they leave the Cub Scout pack and become part of a Troop in Scouts BSA. Their friends and leaders from the cub scouts are not saying good bye but are encouraging them  to continue on the path. They are presented to the Troop as loyal scouts and are welcomed by the Leader and youth of the Troop to continue on the path.  

To earn the Arrow of Light badge of rank, you must complete six required Adventures and any two elective Adventures.

Required Arrow of Light Adventures



Duty To God

First Aid

Personal Fitness

Outdoor Adventurer 

Elective Arrow of Light Adventures

Knife Safety



Into the Woods


Paddle Craft

Champion for Nature Arrow of Light

Into the Wild


Race Time AOL

High Tech Outdoors


Summertime Fun AOL

The Arrow of Light Uniform

The Arrow of Light Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:

Your scouts uniform will now evolve to familiarize them with the Scouts BSA. The AOL uniform is similar to that worn in Scouts BSA. 

To get an idea of pricing, or to order these items online, visit http://www.scoutshop.org. This is the official online scout shop. They should have the same prices as our local scout shop; however, purchases at our local shop support our council while on-line purchases do not.

Where to Purchase Items

You can purchase items at the Scout Shop in Miami Lakes. Note that purchases made at our local scout shop will help support the South Florida Council, while on-line purchases do not. Please support Florida scouting and buy local!

Wearing the Uniform

In general, every Cub Scout should wear their uniform to all Cub Scouting activities, including den and pack meetings, unit outings, and any activities done with members of the den or pack. There are two types of uniforms for scouts. 

Class A Uniforms is the official cub scout uniforms, that is frequently worn in meetings and other Cub Scouting activities.  When playing sports, going to camp, or participating in other physical activities, we have an activity shirt. These are referred to as Class B Uniforms. Class B shirts for youth and adults can be purchased as a pack.

Pack leaders will provide advance notice of any occasion when the youth should wear anything other than the complete uniform.

Here are some tips for wearing the uniform:

Any time you are uncertain about uniform regulations, ask the den leader for guidance.