Welcome to the Wolf Den!
If a Cub Scout has completed the first grade the scout may start earning the Wolf rank. The scout receives a Wolf Scout handbook, Wolf neckerchief, and Wolf neckerchief slide when beginning the Wolf portion of the boy scout trail. The scout will also need a blue Cub Scout Uniform. This part of the boy scout trail is intended to take one school year, preparing the scout to begin earning the Bear rank after completing second grade.
Wolf Scouts do adventures described in their Wolf handbook that advance them towards their Wolf rank. By completing seven adventures, the Wolf rank is earned. As the Tiger program was completely family oriented, so the Wolf program relies heavily on family involvement. You will see this gradually change with the scout doing more with the den and more individual direction as the scout reaches Webelos and Boy Scouts.
To earn the Wolf badge of rank, you must complete six required Adventures and any two elective Adventures.
Required Wolf Adventures
Council Fire
Paws on the path
Running With the Pack
Safety in Numbers
Elective Wolf Adventures
Code of the Wolf
Paws of Skill
Cubs Who Care
Adventure in Coins
Air of the Wolf
Digging in the Past
Champion for Nature Wolf
Finding Your Way
Peddle With the Pack
Race Time Wolf
Paws of Water
Computing Wolves
Let's Camp Wolf
A Wolf Goes Fishing
Sprit of Water
Germs Alive!
Summertime Fun Wolf
The Wolf Uniform
The Wolf Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Wolf socks have a yellow band on the top.
Hat: Official hat red front and Wolf emblem.
Neckerchief: Red triangular neckerchief with Wolf logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
Neckerchief slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with red Wolf emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.
Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos are the same except for the hat, neckerchief, and slide.
To get an idea of pricing, or to order these items online, visit http://www.scoutshop.org. This is the official online scout shop. They should have the same prices as our local scout shop; however, purchases at our local shop support our council while on-line purchases do not.
Where to Purchase Items
You can purchase items at the Scout Shop in Miami Lakes. Note that purchases made at our local scout shop will help support the South Florida Council, while on-line purchases do not. Please support Florida scouting and buy local!
Wearing the Uniform
In general, every Cub Scout should wear their uniform to all Cub Scouting activities, including den and pack meetings, unit outings, and any activities done with members of the den or pack. There are two types of uniforms for scouts.
Class A Uniforms is the official cub scout uniforms, that is frequently worn in meetings and other Cub Scouting activities. When playing sports, going to camp, or participating in other physical activities, we have an activity shirt. These are referred to as Class B Uniforms. Class B shirts for youth and adults can be purchased as a pack.
Pack leaders will provide advance notice of any occasion when the youth should wear anything other than the complete uniform.
Here are some tips for wearing the uniform:
DO keep the uniform clean and in good repair. The official uniform is a sturdy, machine-washable garment that will last for years with proper care.
DO be sure to wear the complete uniform. A Cub Scout wearing a complete uniform gives him/her a sense of a unit.
DO NOT wear non-BSA badges, awards, or insignia on the Cub Scout uniform or make any alterations to the uniform or insignia.
DO NOT mix uniform parts with non-uniform clothing, such as wearing a uniform cap with other clothing. With the exception of the neckerchief, the uniform should be treated as a unit -- worn in its entirety or not at all.
YOU MAY wear the neckerchief alone with other clothing.
Any time you are uncertain about uniform regulations, ask the den leader for guidance.